Our Call for Makers is now open!

Apply now to be a vendor or exhibitor at the 2024 Downtown Columbia Maker Faire and put a spotlight on the amazing things that you can create!

We are not accepting food trucks or other food vendors at this time. Please do not complete an application if you are a food vendor.

All applicants must provide a project (or presentation) photo and a bio photo. Please have these ready before you start your application.

Downtown Columbia Maker Faire 2024:

Event Date: June 2024

Location: The Chrysalis, Merriweather Park at Symphony Woods 

Email info@innerarbortrust.org with any questions.

Corporate entities and/or established companies can visit our Sponsor Page or contact info@innerarbortrust.org.

Please Note

    • Before starting your application, select a quality photo of your project and yourself or your logo.
    • You will be able to edit your completed application using the Maker Faire Portal. A unique link will be sent to you after submitting your application.
    • Makers who conduct demonstrations, workshops, or classes are not charged to present at the event. If you have questions about how to make your work interactive or the restrictions around such activities, please contact info@innerarbortrust.org
    • Makers with commercial interests are asked to pay an exhibit fee of $250.

Entry Information

Immediately after submitting your application, you will be sent an Application Received confirmation email with your Exhibit Name and ID number. If you have not received this email, contact info@innerarbortrust.org

We particularly encourage exhibits that are innovative, interactive and that highlight the process of making things.

Here are just some of the topics that we’re looking for:

    • Robotics
    • Cosplay and Costumes
    • Homegrown Drones
    • Design and Fabrication (both digital and analog)
    • Science, Biology/Biotech, and Chemistry Projects
    • Virtual and Augmented Reality
    • Interactive, Kinetic Art Projects (tabletop to large-scale)
    • Craft (all kinds)
    • E-Textiles and Wearables
    • Shelters (tiny homes, tents, domes, etc.)
    • Sustainability & Green Tech
    • Innovative Food Makers (not concessionaires, more info below)
    • Radios, Vintage Computers and Game Systems
    • Electric and Alternative-Energy Vehicles
    • Puppets, Kites, Toys and Other Whimsical Creations
    • Music Performances and Participation
    • Unusual Tools or Machines
    • How to Fix Things or Take them Apart (vacuums, clocks, washing machines, etc.)

Entry Form Photo Information

When applying, you must to provide a project (or presentation) photo and a bio photo. Please have these ready before you start your application. The image file should be at least 500px wide or larger and you must have rights to the image used. This image will be the public image used relating to your exhibit content. Logos and low-res photos do not work well in the event announcement or in social media and advertising.

Other Ways to Participate at Maker Faire

Crafters: If you are an indie crafter, and your primary intent is to sell your products at Maker Faire, please email info@innerabortrust.org

What Happens Next

After you apply, we will send an email confirming that we have received your entry form. If you don’t receive this email, let us know: info@innerabortrust.org. Acceptances will also be sent via email. Once accepted, please check out the Toolkit and other information provided to begin to plan for your participation.

We look forward to seeing you at Downtown Columbia Mini Maker Faire!